[GPU挖矿教程] CKB ( Nervos ) stratum specification-双优矿池UUPool

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发表于 2019-9-2 20:01:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ckb mining real world example mining.subscribe
  • params: ["agent", null]
  • result: [null, "nonce prefix", "nonce2 size"]request:{"id": 1,"method": "mining.subscribe","params": ["ckbminer-v1.0.0", null]}response:{"id": 1,"result": [null, "3e29d5", 5],"error": null}nonce1 is first part of the block header nonce (in hex).
    By protocol, CKB&39;s nonce is 8 bytes long. The miner will pick nonce2 such that len(nonce2) = 8 - len(nonce1) = 8 - 3 = 5 bytes.

  • params: ["username", "password"]
  • result: true{"id": 2,"method": "mining.authorize","params": ["ckb1qyq2znu0gempdahctxsm49sa9jdzq9vnka7qt9ntff", "x"]} {"id":2,"result":true,"error":null}
  • params: ["32bytes target in hex"]{"id": null,"method": "mining.set_target","params": ["0020010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"]}
  • params: ["jobId", "header hash", height, "parent hash", cleanJob]{"id": null,"method": "mining.notify","params": ["17282f3f", "2860e9966c50829a76e650dc4abdf49c925d2fd116eab69cd7bc1ae6673225ef", 21728, "ebf5cca491c4760c1b4d9306e6aed35b17d773ab60650ed58974a84b2d0fb82c", true]}
  • params: [ "username", "jobId", "nonce2" ]
  • result: true / false{"id": 102,"method": "mining.submit","params": ["tmAfQj8jv7SMuCpzSkPMTR8v8AaKzQkJ7P2.worker1", "17282f3f", "eaf71970c0"]}{"id":102,"result":true,"error":null}    // accepted share response{"id":102,"result":false,"error":[21,"low difficulty",null]}  // rejected share responsenonce2 is the second part of the nonce.
    In this examplenonce = nonce1 + nonce2 = 3e29d5eaf71970c0headerHash = 2860e9966c50829a76e650dc4abdf49c925d2fd116eab69cd7bc1ae6673225ef   (32 bytes without nonce)headerHashWithNonce = nonce + headerHash = 3e29d5eaf71970c02860e9966c50829a76e650dc4abdf49c925d2fd116eab69cd7bc1ae6673225ef   (40 bytes with nonce)powHash = eaglesonghash(headerHashWithNonce) = 0000dfd9214a52ee0860d988e66c1799847744ef43155b8e00c3f6e3948dbb93
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