PhoenixMiner(凤凰矿工) 3.0c ETH/ETC挖矿软件

111739 |4
发表于 2018-7-17 13:00:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



PhoenixMiner 3.0c更新日志:
  • 实现了自动调整功能,可以为每个GPU找到最佳的GT值。您可以通过在命令行中省略-gt参数或在控制台中按“z” 来激活它。请注意,自动调整过程平均需要大约3到5分钟,在此期间,哈希值会降低并且会上下移动。您可以通过按控制台窗口中的“g”键中止自动调整。
  • 在控制台窗口中添加了对“x”键的支持。这将允许您选择单个GPU进行手动或自动GT调整。
  • 增加了对以下硬币的直接挖掘(不使用DevFee的DAG切换)的支持:Nekonium(NUKO),MIX,EtherGem(EGEM),AURA,Hotelbyte Coin(HBC),Genom(GEN),EtherZero(ETZ),Callisto(CLO) )。有关如何指定要挖掘的硬币的详细信息,请参阅下面的-coin选项文档。
  • 添加了对config.txt文件的即时重新加载的支持,并通过在控制台窗口中按“c”键来应用新选项。请注意,大多数选项需要重新启动才能更改。目前可以在不重新启动的情况下更改以下选项:-mi,-gt,-clf,-nvf和所有硬件控制参数(-tt,-fanmin,-fanmax,-powlim,-tmax,-cclock,-cvddc, – mclock,-mvddc)。这样可以更方便地调整和微调采矿设备
  • 如果远程管理器编辑/上传config.txt,则添加-cdmrs选项以重新加载设置。这允许您通过远程管理器更改和重新加载config.txt选项,而无需访问矿工的控制台窗口。
  • AMD内核的小改进
  • 添加-nvf 3设置可以解决不稳定的Nvidia卡的一些问题(但可能会影响哈希值)
  • 添加了选项-acm以在支持的GPU上打开AMD计算模式。这相当于在矿工控制台中按’y’。
  • 添加了选项-retrydelay,用于设置重新连接尝试之间的暂停(以秒为单位)(最小值0,默认值:20)
  • 添加了-resetoc选项,可将启动时的HW超频设置重置为默认值
  • 添加了选项-gpureset,当矿工暂停时(或在切换DAG时期时DAG生成之前)强制完全重置GPU。这是为了避免暂停/恢复后GeForce GTX1080 Ti的哈希值下降等问题。此选项可以根据GPU指定,默认情况下为GTX1080 Ti打开。
  • 如果您的PSU无法同时使所有GPU生成DAG,则添加了用于序列化DAG创建的选项-gser
  • 通过控制台窗口的关闭按钮关闭时正常关闭(包括将OC设置重置为默认值)
  • 添加了选项-gsi来设置速度统计间隔(5-30秒,默认5; 0关闭速度统计)。详细的统计数据仍然每45秒显示一次,不受-gsi值的影响
  • 修复了使用带有AMD驱动程序18.4.1及更高版本的Vega卡崩溃的问题
  • 许多小修复和更改

    Changes in version 3.0c (since 2.9e):
  • Implemented auto-tune function which will find the best GT value for each GPU. You can activate it by either omitting the -gt parameter in the command line, or by pressing ‘z’ in the console. Note that auto-tune process takes about 3 to 5 minutes on average and during this time the hashrate will be lower and will go up and down. You can abort the auto-tuning by pressing the ‘g’ key in the console window.
  • Added support for ‘x’ key in console window. This will allow you to select a single GPU for manual or automatic GT tuning.
  • Added support for direct mining (without DAG switching for DevFee) of the following coins: Nekonium (NUKO), MIX, EtherGem (EGEM), AURA, Hotelbyte Coin (HBC), Genom (GEN), EtherZero (ETZ), Callisto   (CLO). See the -coin option documentation below for details how to specify the coin you are mining.
  • Added support for on-the-fly reload of config.txt file and applying the new options by pressing the key ‘c’ in the console window. Note that most options require restart in order to change. Currently the follwing options can be changed without restarting: -mi, -gt, -clf, -nvf, and all hardware control parameters (-tt, -fanmin, -fanmax, -powlim, -tmax, -cclock, -cvddc, -mclock, -mvddc). This allows more convenient adjustment and fine-tuning of the mining rigs
  • Added -cdmrs option to reload the settings if config.txt is edited/uploaded by a remote manager. This allows you to change and reload the config.txt options via remote manager without access to the console window of the miner.
  • Small improvements in AMD kernels
  • Added -nvf 3 setting that could solve some problems with unstable Nvidia cards (but may affect hashrate negatively)
  • Added option -acm to turn on AMD compute mode on the supported GPUs. This is equivalent of pressing ‘y’ in the miner console.
  • Added option -retrydelay that sets the pause between the reconnection attempts in seconds (min value 0, default value: 20)
  • Added option -resetoc to reset the HW overclocking setting on startup to their default values
  • Added option -gpureset, which forces full reset of the GPU when the miner is paused (or before DAG generation when switching DAG epochs). This is designed to avoid problems like the hashrate drop of GeForce GTX1080 Ti after pause/resume. This option can be specified per GPU and is turned on by default for GTX1080 Ti.
  • Added option -gser for serializing of DAG creation if your PSU(s) can’t take all GPUs generating DAG simultaneously.
  • Graceful shutdown when closed by the close button of the console window (including reseting OC settings to defaults)
  • Added option -gsi to set the speed stats interval (5-30 seconds, default 5; 0 turns off the speed stats). The detailed stats are still shown every 45 seconds and aren’t affected by the -gsi value
  • Fixed crashing with Vega cards with AMD drivers 18.4.1 and newer
  • Many small fixes and changes

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